Titanium coating (PVD)

Titanium Color Coating (PVD)

Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) is a technology of sputtering Titanium ions in a high vacuum chamber under strict conditions. It creates a tough 0.3µm. metal-ceramic film (Hardness 1600-1800 HV) of rich colors on stainless steel. Our vast expertise in production makes us the world’s top quality producer. All our PVD colored items installed since 30 years, still stay intact.

Important aspect

The specifics of PVD coating is that the layer will not adhere properly to a surface area contaminated even with a slightest trace of oil, dust particles, PE marks, finger marks, water marks, etc.

Rigorous cleaning of sheets prior to the PVD coating is the most important aspect in achieving a strong and stable bound of a PVD layer to the surface of stainless steel.

Technical Data and Certification

Since 1991, we have made all kinds of testing on our PVD coated products, at various laboratories worldwide.

We have all the Data Sheets, MSDS, Test Reports, Certificates and iconic projects references necessary,

for your project approval.

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